HomeBD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy, 9th Edition 2023 Set of (Volume 1, 2, 3,4)
BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy, 9th Edition 2023 Set of (Volume 1, 2, 3,4)
BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy, 9th Edition 2023 Set of (Volume 1, 2, 3,4)
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BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy, 9th Edition 2023 Set of (Volume 1, 2, 3,4)

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Product Description





Edition:9th(4 Vol Set)


Author:Krishna Garg,B.D. CHAURASIA

Product Type:Paperback


Text follows the CBME Guidelines and all topics are described as per the Competency Based Undergraduate Curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate prescribed by the National Medical Commission. Colour codes used consistently in the drawings of various cells, tissues and organs are given at the beginning of each section. Impressive line diagrams, originally hand-drawn by Dr BD Chaurasia, adapted from the first edition of BDC Human Anatomy, have been incorporated in this edition to make drawing of illustrations easier for the students. Videos of osteology and soft parts, accessible from CBSiCentral App through scratch code, have been numbered and cited in the respective chapters in all the four volumes. The App also includes answers to FAQs. Latest updates on various topics have been provided from standard international publications. Clinical orientation has been enthused by structuring many FAQs and MCQs in 'clinical mode'. Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) has been provided in the form of signs, symptoms, investigations and treatment of a particular case. Important features like viva voce questions, molecular regulation, clinicoanatomical problems, ossification, dissection (steps) are continued from the previous editions

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