Book Title: Comprehensive Textbook of Child Health Nursing with Procedure
Ankita Shakyawal
Published Year: 2000
This book is fully in accordance with the new syllabus as recommended by the Indian Nursing Council (INC). Keeping in mind the level of the students, I have tried to use simple language and clarify the complicated aspect concisely with rational, as relevant for the need of the students. Though this textbook is written based on B.Sc. Nursing syllabus, it can also be used for the Post graduate M.Sc. Nursing students, as the content includes problem oriented nursing management of common childhood conditions, which are usually found in the clinical and community situations. It is hoped that the textbook will provide a more useful guideline in basic concepts of child health care. Furthermore, students can consult reference books, journals and different websites along with clinical case discussion for the in-depth study.