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Product Description


Publisher: ‎ S. Vikas & Co

Language: English


Year: 2023

Edition: 1st

Pages: 1151

Author: Devinder Kaur & Javed Ansari

Product Type: Paperback

Condition: New


It gives us immense pleasure to present this "PV Concise Course in Medical Surgical Nursing-I" as per newly revised INC Syllabus to the nursing students and nursing educa- tors in the updated and multi-colored edition. This book has flavour of its own both in scope and content distinctly different from a number of already existing text books on Medical Surgical Nursing.

This book offers medical and surgical nursing, which is exclusively, based upon New Indian nursing council syllabus for GNM students.

Although it was great and vast work to gather optimum information needed to com- plete this book according to Indian Nursing Council syllabus, but it was most important opportunity as well as challenge for us to provide all such content to undergraduate stu- dents specially in nursing field in a simple manner, so that students can grasp the maximum updated information in a short time without any efforts. It is hoped that the book will appeal to all nursing students as it fulfils their syllabi requirement with latest information.

It is indeed gratifying that this book has been successfully completed because of favourable environment, continuous support and motivation provided by our family mem- bers. Above all, we would like to thank our energetic and dynamic publishers Shri P. K. Jain and Mr. Vikas Jain of M/S S. Vikas & Co. for bringing out this quality based book.


Chapter 1 1-37


Introduction to medical - surgical nursing 2, Evolution of medical surgical nursing 2, Medicine in the ancient world 3, Traditional medicine and surgery in India 7, Unani medicine in India 8, Concept of illness 9, Nursing process 14, Steps of nursing process 18, Nursing diagnosis 22, Types of nursing diagnosis 23, Planning 27, Types of planning 28, Implementation 33, Evaluation 34, Purposes of evaluation 34

Chapter 2

Health Assessment 38-77

Introduction to health assessment 39, Health 39, Health assessment 39, Health history 40, General assessment 54, Skin 54, Format for recording assessment 67

Chapter 3

Pathophysiological Mechanism of Disease 78-100

Inflammation 79, Types of inflammation 79, Tissue healing 85, Systemic and local signs of inflammation 85, Treatment of inflammation 86, Stress adaptation 88, Symptoms of stress 90, The three stages of stress 91, Immunity 95, Fever 96, Nutritional consideration 96, Nitrogen balance 97, Factors affecting nutrition 98

Chapter 4

Altered Immune Response 101-171

Overview of normal immune system 102, Functions of immune system 103, Components of immune system 103, Immune response 110, Stages of immune response 114, Types of immunoglobulins 116, Assessment of immune system 118, Review of body systems 120, Altered immune response 124, Hypersensitivity reactions 124, Allergy 128, Allergy disorders 131, Anaphylaxis 131, Allergic rhinitis 136, Contact dermatitis 137, Atopic dermatitis 140, Food allergy 141, Serum sickness 143, Latex allergy 144, Urticaria 149, Angioedema 150, Autoimmune disease 151, Rheumatoid arthritis 152, Systemic lupus erythematosus 159, Ankolysing spondylitis 162, Immunotherapy 167

Chapter 5

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 172-219

Water content of body 173, Body fluid 173, Fluid balance 173, Fluid imbalances/fluid volume disturbances 179, Fluid volume excess (hypervolemia) 182, Electrolyte balance 185, Electrolyte imbalances 186, Sodium imbalance 186, Potassium imbalances 190, Hypokalemia (potassium deficit) 190, Calcium imbalances 194, Magnesium imbalances 199, Phosphorus imbalances 202, Chloride imbalances 206, Acid - base balance 208, Acid-base imbalance 209

Chapter 6

Operative Theatre Technique 220-291

Organization and physical set-up of the operation theatre 221, Operation theatre tables 224, Characteristics of an ideal OT table 224, Types of OT table systems 225, Pre-operative holding area 228, Operation theatre technique 229, Purpose of scrubbing 230, Gowning 233, Steps of gowning 233, Positioning of patient for various surgical procedures 237, Various surgical positions 237, Principles of positioning 238, Common positions of the patient 239, Draping of the patient 252, Preparation of theatre equipment and supplies 253, Suture and needles - types and their uses 256, Sutures 256, Surgical needles 261, Carbolization 265, Sterilization 265, Eto sterilization 267, Fumigation 267, Bacillocid sterilization 269, Sterilization packaging 269, Forceps 272, Retractors 276, Names of different retractors 280, Role of nurse in operation theatre 286

Chapter 7

Management of Patient Undergoing Surgery 292-317

Introduction to surgery 293, Perioperative nursing 293, Pre-operative care 294, Physical preparation 294, Psychological preparation 295, Pre- medications 295, Pre-operative assessment of patient 296, Legal and ethical issues 298, Intraoperative management 301, Surgical team 302, Anesthesia 303, The nurse's role during and immediately after surgery 308, Postoperative care 309, Post anesthesia care unit (PACU) 309, Postoperative check list 311, Care of patient after surgery 312

Chapter 8

Nursing Management of Patients with Impaired Respiratory Functions and Gaseous Exchange 318-488

Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system 320, Trachea 321, The bronchial tree 322, Pleurae 322, Lungs 323, Physiology of respiration 325, Functions of the respiratory system 326, Nursing assessment - history and physical examination 326, Health history 326, Physical examination 327, Diagnostic evaluations 328, Therapeutic measures 336, Chest physiotherapy 341, Chest drainage 343, Tracheostomy 347, Tracheostomy tubes 349, Suctioning 353, Endotracheal tube 355, Oxygen therapy 363, Oxygen delivery 366, Management of patient with disorders of upper respiratory airway 370, Obstruction of upper airway 370, Epistaxis 373, Sinusitis 377, Pharyngitis 383, Types of pharyngitis 384, Tonsillitis 387, Laryngitis 390, Deviated nasal septum 394, Management of patient with disorders of the chest and lower respiratory tract 399, Lung abscess 399, Empyema 402, Bronchial asthma 405, Pneumonia 429, Bronchitis 437, Bronchiectasis 442, Chest trauma/injuries 446, Pulmonary tuberculosis/dots 450, Pulmonary embolism 459, Lung tumors 462, Disorders of pleura and pleural space 469, Respiratory failure 472, Acute respiratory distress syndrome 475, Severe acute respiratory syndrome 476

Chapter 9

Nursing Management of Patient with Gastro Intestinal Disorders 489-622P

Review of anatomy and physiology of digestive system 491, Assessment of gastro-intestinal function: history and physical examination 492, Health history 492, Physical examination 493, Diagnostic evaluations 494, Endoscopy 494, Radiological investigations 497, Abdominal ultrasound 498, Computed tomography (CT) scan 498, Blood tests in gastrointestinal medicine 498, Gastric analysis 499, Management of upper gastrointestinal disorders 500, Parotitis 500, Stomatitis 504, Glossitis 506, Gingivitis 508, Pyorrhea 511, Dental plaque and caries 514, Halitosis 519, Achalasia cardia 520, Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) 521, Cancer of esophagus 525, Hiatus hernia 529, Gastritis 535, Gastric and duodenal ulcers 544, Gastric cancer 553, Gastroenteritis 556, Peritonitis 560, Care of patient with gastro intestinal intubation and special nutritional management 562, Gastrointestinal intubation 562, Tube feedings 566, Gastrointestinal

decompression 567, Parenteral nutrition 568, Nursing care of the patient with a nasogastric tube 569, Management of patient with lower gastro- intestinal disorders 570, Helminthiasis 570, Constipation 572, Diarrhea 574, Fecal incontinence 576, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 578, Appendicitis 580, Diverticular disease 587, Crohn's disease 591, Ulcerative colitis 596, Intestinal obstruction 600, Tb abdomen 607, Colorectal cancer 609, Polyps of colon and rectum 617, Anorectal abscess 619, Anal fistula 620, Anal fissures 622B, Hemorrhoids 622D

Chapter 10

Nursing Management of Patient with Metabolic and Endocrinal Disorders 623-796

Nursing assessment history and physical assessment 627, Abdominal ultrasound 629, Computed tomography (CT) scan 629, Blood tests 629, Disorders of Pancreas 630, Pancreatitis 630, Acute pancreatitis 631, Chronic pancreatitis 633, Pancreatic cysts 636, Pancreatic abscess 639, Pancreatic cancer 640, Nursing process: patient with pancreatic disorders 647, Nursing care plan for the patient with pancreatic disorders 648, Liver cysts 652, Jaundice 654, Hepatitis 658, Viral Hepatitis 658, Hepatitis A 658, Hepatitis B 659, Hepatitis C 663, Hepatitis D 664, Hepatitis E 666, Liver Abcesses 668, Hepatic Cirrhosis 672, Ascites 682, Portal Hypertension 684, Hepatic Failure 687, Hepatic encephalopathy 690, Liver cancer 694, Disorders of gall bladder 699, Cholecystitis 699, Cholelithiasis 701, Cholangitis 707, Gall bladder cancer 709, Anatomy and physiology of endocrine system 712, Disorders of thyroid and parathyroid glands 717, Hyperthyroidism 717, Hypothyroidism 722, Thyroid cancer 726, Goiter 731, Hyperparathyroidism 732, Hypoparathyroidism 736, Diabetes mellitus 739, Normal insulin metabolism 740, Screening -745, Pharmacologic management 747, Nutritional management 752, Monitoring blood glucose 755, Nursing process: nursing care plans for diabetes mellitus 757, Diabetes ketoacidosis 759, Diabetic ketoacidosis pathophysiology 760, Diabetes insipidus 763, Causes and types of diabetes insipidus 763, Disorders of adrenal gland 766, Addison's disease 766, Causes of addison's disease 767, Cushing's syndrome 771, Pheochromocytoma 775, Stages of cancers 776, Disorders of pituitary gland 777, Hypopituitarism 777, Hypopituitary coma 780

Hyperpituitarism 781, Acromegaly 78785, Caring of acromegaly 781, Gigantism 784, Pituitary gland tumor 785, Caring for a patient after resection of pituitary adenoma 789

Chapter 11.

Nursing Management of Patient with Renal and Urinary Disorders 797-992

Anatomy and physiology of genito-urinary system 799, Urinary system parts and their functions 800, Functions of kidney 800, Nursing assessment-history and physical assessment 801, Assessment of renal system 801, Urinalysis and urine culture 802, Renal function test 806, X-ray imaging and other imaging modalities 807, Biopsy 813, Urodynamic tests 814, Glomeruloephritis 816, Chronic Glomerulonephritis 818, Nephrotic Syndrome 820, Urolithiasis 824, Kidney cancer 834, Staging of kidney cancer 835, Renal failure 839, Acute renal failure 839, Pathophysiology of acute renal failure 841, Phases of acute renal failure 842, Chronic renal failure 847, Dialysis 856, Peritoneal dialysis 859, Types of peritoneal dialysis 860, Hemodialysis 864, Dialysate 865, Kidney transplantation 872, Going home with a successful transplant 876, Hydronephrosis 878, Polycystic kidney disease 881, Urinary tract infections 884, Cystitis 885, Pyelonephritis 887, Urethritis 890, Ureterocele 894, Renal Cyst 897, Renal Abcess 897, Disorder of urinary bladder 899, Bladder fistula 899, Neurogenic bladder 900, Renal Trauma 905, Urinary incontinence 908, Bladder cancer 918, Disorder of ureter 922, Ureteral stricture 922, Urethral cancer 926, Assessment of the Male Reproductive System 930, Prostate Fluid 931, Cryptorchidism 932, Hypospadias 935, Epispadiasis 936, Orchitis 938, Epididymitis 941, Testicular Torsion 944, Testicular Cancer 946, Penile Disorders 949, Priapism 950, Peyronie's Disease 952, Balanitis 954, Hydrocele 956, Phimosis 957, Paraphimosis 958, Penile Cancer 959, Prostatitis 962, Benign Prostate Hyperplasia 965, Prostate Cancer 977, Jewett System 979

Chapter 12.

Nursing Management of Patient with Neurological Disorders and Diseases 993-1112

Neurological assessment 994, Assessing cerebral function 993, Examining the motor system 998, Sensory examination 999, Examining the reflexes 999, Diagnostic Evaluation 1003, Altered level of consciousness 1004, Increased Intracranial Pressure 1007, Intracranial surgery 1010, Headache 1012, Classification of headache 1013, Primary headaches 1013, Types of migraine headache 1013, Drug therapy for migraine headache 1014, Diagnosing headache 1019, Head injury 1020, Brain injury 1020, Types of brain injury 1020, Head injury management 1022, Spinal cord injury 1025, Cervical injuries 1026, Thoracic injuries 1027, Paraplegia 1027, Hemiplegia 1027, Quadriplegia 1028, Nursing management in spinal cord injury 1030, Spinal cord compression 1031, Spinal disc herniation 1032, Stages of spinal disc herniation 1033, Thoracic disc herniation 1034, Lumbar disc herniation 1034, Nursing management of patient with a cervical discectomy 1036, Brain tumor 1037, Classification of brain tumors 1037, Local neurologic deficits 1038, Spinal cord tumors 1043, Types of spinal cord tumors 1043, Cerebral aneurysm 1046, Classification of aneurysm 1046, Cerebrovascular accident 1049, Causes of cerebrovascular accident 1050, Rehabilitation 1053, Nursing care plans for cerebrovascular accident 1055, Nursing care plans for cerebrovascular accident 1056, Epilepsy 1061, Infection and inflammatory diseases 1065, Meningitis 1065, Encephalitis 1070, Types of encephalitis 1070, Brain abscess 1073, Cranial, spinal and peripheral neuropathies 1076, Bell's palsy 1076, Trigeminal neuralgia 1078, Peripheral neuropathies 1080, Guillain barré syndrome 1083, Myasthenia gravis 1087, Degenerative diseases 1090, Parkinson's disease 1090, Huntington's disease 1095, Alzheimer's disease 1098, Multiple sclerosis 1102, Muscular Dystrophy 1106

Chapter 13.

Nursing Management of Patient with Connective Tissue and Collagen disorders 1113-112

Assessment and diagnostic test 1114, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 1115, Polymyositis and dermatomyositis 1117, Scleroderma 1118, Mixed connective tissue disease 1119, Sjogren's syndrome (SS) 1120, Gout 1121, Fibromyalgia 1123

Chapter 14.

Nursing Management of the Elderly 1127-1151

Assessment of the older adult 1128, Components of geriatric assessment 1128, Normal aging process 1129, Age related body system changes 1129, Musculoskeletal system 1129, Integumentary system 1130, Cardiovascular system 1130, Respiratory system 1130, Gastrointestinal system 1131, Genitourinary system 1131, Endocrine system 1132, Neurological system 1132, Sensory system 1132, Immunologic system 1133, Reproductive system 1133, Female reproductive system 1134, Cognitive changes of normal aging 1134, Changes in memory 1135, Psychosocial aspects of aging 1135, Depression and suicide 1135, Promotion of health behavior in the older adult 1136, Cardiovascular diseases 1136, Neurologic diseases 1137, Alzheimer's disease 1137, Stroke 1139, Musculoskeletal diseases 1140, Endocrine disease 1141, Kidney disease 1141, Prevention of kidney disease 1141, Prostate enlargement 1142, Respiratory problems 1142, Eye diseases 1142, Mental illnesses 1142, Genitourinary diseases 1142, Osteoporosis 1145, Special considerations in care of elderly 1149

Index (i)-(x)


Publisher: ‎ S. Vikas & Co

Language: English


Year: 2023

Edition: 1st

Pages: 912

Author: Devinder Kaur & Javed Ansari

Product Type: Paperback

Condition: New


It gives us immense pleasure to present this "PV Concise Course in Medical Surgical Nursing-II" to the nursing students and nursing educators. This book has flavour of its own both in scope and content distinctly different from a number of already existing text books on Medical Surgical Nursing.

This book offers medical and surgical nursing, which is exclusively based upon New Indian Nursing Council Syllabus for 2nd year G.N.M. Students.

Although it was a great and vast work to gather optimum information needed to com- plete this book according to New Indian Nursing Council syllabus, but it was most impor- tant opportunity as well as challenge for us to provide all such content to diploma students specially in nursing field in a simple manner, so that students can grasp the maximum up- dated information in a short time without any efforts. It is hoped that the book will appeal to all nursing students as it fulfils their syllabi requirement with latest information.

It is indeed gratifying that this book has been successfully completed because of favourable environment, continuous support and motivation provided by my parents and family. Above all, We would like to thank our energetic and dynamic publishers Shri P. K. Jain and Mr. Vikas Jain of M/S S. Vikas & co. for bringing out this quality based book.


Chapter 1. Nursing Management of Patients with Oncological Conditions 1-112

Introduction to oncology 3, Cancer 3, Origin of cancer 3, Cellular biology of cancer 4, Abnormal cellular biology 5, Nursing assessment-hisotry & physical examination 7, Diagnosis of cancer 7, Prevention, screening, early detection, warning signs of cancer 9, Screening and early detection of cancer 10, American cancer society guidelines for the early detection of cancer 11, Breast cancer 11, Cervical cancer 11, Endometrial (uterine) cancer 12, Prostate cancer 12, Testicular cancer 12, Skin cancer 12, Oral cancer 12, 7 warning signs of cancer 13, Grading and staging of cancer 14, Grading of cancer 14, Staging of cancer 15, TNM classification 16, Cancer treatment modalities 16, Immunotherapy 17, Radiation therapy 20, Nursing management of poatient undergoing radiation therapy 26, Stem cell and bone marrow transplantations 29, Sources of bone marrow stem cells 29, Gene therapy 31, Chemotherapy 33, Common malignancies of various body systems 43, Oral cancer 43, Lung cancer 48, Stomach cancer 51, Colorectal cancer 54, Liver cancer 58, Cervical cancer 60, Breast cancer 66, Prostate cancer 70, Kidney cancer 73, Bladder cancer 75, Brain tumor 77, Bone cancer 81, Leukemia 83, Oncological emergencies 87, Hypercalcaemia 89, Rehabilitation 91, Palliative care 93, Fatigue 94, Xerostomia 95, Stomatitis or mucositis 96, Nausea and vomiting 96, Hair loss (alopecia) 97, Nutritional support 98, Hospice care 99, Stomal therapy 100, Tracheostomy 100, Colostomy 102, Psychosocial aspects 104, Coping

Chapter 2

strategies 104 Nursing Management of Patients with Disorders of Breast 113-150

Assessment of breast 114, Anatomy of breast 114, Inspection of breast 115, Palpation of the breast 116, Gynaecologic and obstetric history 116, Physical examination 116, Screening and early detection 116, Breast self- examination 118, Guidelines for breast self-examination 119, Therapeutic and cosmetic procedures 121, Disorders of breast 122, Mastodynia 122, Mastitis 124, Breast abscess 127, Gynecomastia 129, Tumors and malignancy of breast 131, Breast cysts 131, Breast cancer 132, Forms of breast cancer 133, Stages of breast cancer 134, Nursing management of a patient after mastectomy 138, Post mastectony exercises 140, Client and family teaching 142

Chapter 3

Nursing Management of Patients with Diseases and Disorders of Integumentary System 151-230

Anatomy and physiology of the skin introduction 153, Assessment of integumentary system 155, Biopsy 162, Special dermatological therapies 163, Disorders of skin and appendages 164, Bacterial infections 164, Impetigo 165, Folliculitis 165, Furuncle 166, Carbuncles 166, Cellulitis 167, Viral infections 169, Warts 169, Herpes simplex 169, Herpes zoster (shingles) 170, Fungal infections 172, Candidiasis 174, Infestation disorders 175, Pediculosis 175, Scabies 176, Inflammatory disorders of skin 178, Dermatitis 178, Atopic dermatitis 180, Seborrheic dermatitis 181,

Fossens-Johnson syndrome 190. Sa 202, Burns and nign skin lesion 197 Stelignant Melanoma 197, Alo 230A, Skin flaps F. Management 201 Plastic surgery 228, Skin grafts 230A, Skin flaps 230E, Free flaps 230E

Chapter 4

Ophthamology and Ophthalmic Nursing Review of anatomy and physiology ections and inflammany of eye 233

Assessment of functions of eyes 238, Jiofe 246, Ectopion 247, tions condition Ass Stye 245, Chalazion 246, Entropion 245 Ectoping, 247, Dacrocytitis 248, 244 Styctivitis 249, Viral conjunctivitis, Co Allergic conjunctivitis 252 Trachoma 252, Pterygium 254, Keratitis 254 262, Ruler 255, Degenerative Traditions 257, Cataract 257, Retinopathy 262, Retinal detachment 264, Refractive errors 267, Tumors 271, Color blindness 276, Night blindness 278, Refrontal Programs on Blindness 280, Current trends in management of Natinalmic conditions 282, Hospital congratia 286, game 283, Eye collection 284, Counselling 285, Eye banking in india 286, Ocular emergencies 287, Glaucoma 287, Acid / alkali burns 294, Trauma to the eye 295, Eye immigration 297, Instillation of eye drops and sintment 297, Cold and hot compress 299, Eye dressing and bandage 300, Assisting for sac syringing 301

Chapter 5

Assisting for removal of foreign body 303 Nursing Management of Patient with Disorders and Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat 312-404

Ear 315, Review of anatomy and physiology of ear 315, Assessment of functions of ear 318, Ear examination 319, Otoscopic examination 319, Diseases and disorders of the external ear 322, Otitis externa 322, Foreign body 323, Impacted cerumen 325, Furunculosis 326, Otitis media 327, Mastoiditis 332, Perforation of ear drum 334, Diseases and disorders of the internal ear 336, Presycusis 336, Labyrinthitis 337, Meniere's disease 339, Otosclerosis 342, Deafness 344, Tumors of the ear and auditory nerve 349, Acoustic neuroma 349, Insufflations of eustachian tube 351, Nose 352, Review of anatomy and physiology of nose 352, Anatomy of nose 352, Assessment of functions of nose 355, Examination of nose 355, Diagnostic tests 356, Diseases and disorders of the nose 357, Infections 357, Common cold 357, Rhinitis 359, Sinusitis 362, Deviated nasal septum 367, Nasal Polyps 369, Trauma - fracture of nasal bone and epistaxis 370, Fracture of nasal bone 370, Epistaxis 370, Throat 374, Review of anatomy and physiology of throat 374, Anatomy of the throat 374, Lymphoid tissue of the pharynx 375, The larynx 376, Assessment of functions of throat 378, Examination of throat 378, Diagnostic tests 378, Diseases and disorders of the nose 379, Infections and inflammations 379, Tonsillitis 379, Peritonsillar abscess 380, Pharyngitis 383, Laryngitis 385, Tumors 387, Laryngeal cancer 387, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 391, Injury and foreign body 392, Throat injury/trauma 392, Foreign bodies in throat 393, Tracheostomy 395

Chapter 6

Nursing Management of Patient with Cardiovascular, Circulatory and Hematological Disorders 405-587

Cardiac disorders 409, Review of anatomy and physiology of heart and circulatory system 409, The cardiac cycle 411, Assessment of functions of heart and vascular system 415, Common manifestations of heart disease 415, Diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system 426, Coronary atherosclerosis 427, Angina pectoris 430, Myocardial infarction 434, Nursing management of patient with coronary artery disease 439, Valvular heart disease 442, Mitral stenosis 443, Aortic valve stenosis 445, Aortic valve regurgitation 446, Tricuspid stenosis 446, Pulmonary valve stenosis 447, Inflammations and infections 449, Pericarditis 449, Myocarditis 451, Endocarditis 453, Rheumatic fever 455, Cardiomyopathy 457, Surgical management 461, Cardiac Arrhythmias 464, Heart block 469, Complications of heart disease 471, Acute heart failure (pulmonary edema) 472, Chronic heart failure (congestive heart failure) 476, Pericardial effusion 484, Cardiac temponade 485, Cardiac emergencies 488, Cardio pulmonary resuscitation 490, Cardiogenic shock 492, Vascular disorders 498, Arterial disorders 498, Aneurysm 503, Raynaud's disease 508, Hypertension 510, Venous disorders 512D, Thrombosis (DVT) 512D, Venous insufficiency 512F, Venous ulcers 512H, Varicose vein 5121, Cellulitis 512L, Lymphatic disorders 512N, Lymphangitis 512N, Lymphadenitis 5120, Lymphedema 512P, Elephantiasis 513, Hematologic disorders 514, Review of anatomy & structure of blood components 514, Hemostasis 519, Coagulation 520, Disorders of the blood and its components 524, Iron deficiency anemia 528, Megaloblastic anemia 529, Aplastic anemia 532, Hemolytic anemia 534, Sickle cell anemia 538, Thalassemia 542, Polycythemia 547, Leucopenia and neutropenia 551, Leukocytosis 553, Leukemia 554, Lymphoma 559, Hodgkin's lymphoma 560, Non-hodgkin's lymphoma 560, Multiple myeloma 563, Bleeding disorders 565, Thrombocytopenia 565, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 568, Hemophilia 571, Acquired coagulation disorders 576, Vitamin k deficiency 576, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 578

Chapter 7

Nursing Management of Patient with Communicable Diseases 588-698

Introduction to communicable diseases 590, Review of infection, mode of transmission, its prevention and control 594, Infection 594, Hand washing 600, Sterilization 603, Immunization 605, Vaccine preparation 608, Management of various infectious diseases caused by virus 611, Measles 611, Chicken pox 614, Swine flu 617, Ebola 619, Dengue 622, Chicken guinea 625, Influenza 627, Mumps 629, Encephalitis 631, Infective hepatitis 633, Poliomyelitis 642, Polio vaccine 645, Rabies 645, Aids 648, Management of various infection diseases caused by bacteria 654, Whooping cough 656, Tetanus 658, Typhoid 663, Dysentery 665, Gastroenteritis 667, Cholera 669, Meningococcal meningitis 670, Tuberculosis 672, Plague 678, Leptospirosis 680, Vector borne disease 682, Malaria 682, Filariasis 685, Yellow fever 687, Dengue 690

Chapter 8

Nursing Management of Patient with Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Introduction to sexually transmitted diseases 700, Sex health and hygiene 703, Menstrual hygiene for girls 704, Syndromic management of sexually transmitted disease 705, Gonorrhea 705, Syphilis 707, Granuloma venerium 710, Chanchroid granuloma 713, AIDS 715, Genital herpes 722

Chapter 9

Nursing Management of Patient with Musculo-skeletal Disorders and Diseases 727-854

Review of anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal system 729, Structure and function of skeletal system 730, Formation of bone 731, Healing of bone 732, Stages of bone healing 733, Joints 734, Muscles 735, Infections and inflammations 741, Septic arthritis 741, Gonococcal arthritis 745, Osteomyelitis 746, Tuberculosis of spine and bones 749, Sprains 752, Dislocations 754, Fracture 756, Fracture of spine 764, Degenerative conditions of joints and spines 765, Osteoarthritis 765, Rheumatoid arthritis 771, Tumors 776, Bone tumors 776, Spinal cord tumors 780, Amputation and prosthesis 783, Amputation 783, Levels of amputation 784, Prosthesis 789, Deformities-congenital and acquired 798, Congenital club foot 798, Developmental dysplasia of hip 804, Osteogenesis imperfecta 810, Scoliosis 813, Kyphosis 816, Lordosis 819, Range of motion exercises 821, Care of patient with traction 828, Orthopedic splints 837, Plaster cast 839, Neurogenic bladder 843, Use of orthopedic assist devices 848, Crutches 848, Walkers and canes 850

Chapter 10

Emergency Management 855-889

Introduction to emergency nursing 857, Scope and practice of emergency nursing 857, Principles of emergency care 858, Triage 859, Medical surgical emergencies 861, Shock 866, Trauma 871, Poisoning 875, Injected poisons: stinging insects, snake bites 878, Chemical burns 880, Environmental emergencies 881, Heat stroke 881, Near Drowning 884, Hanging 886

Chapter 11

Emergency and Disaster Nursing 890-905

Definitions of disaster 891, Concept and meaning of disaster 891, Principles of disaster 891, Classification of disaster 892, Types of disaster 892, Phases of disaster management 894, Natural calamities 897, Man made disaster 899, Emergency preparedness 900, Community resources available to meet calamities 902, Nurses role in disaster management 902

Index 907-912

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