Publisher: Ananda Publishers
Language: English
ISBN: 9789394624115
Year: 2024
Edition: 1st
Pages: 450
Author: Gopa Biswas
Product Type:Paperback
Price: ₹475
Text book of Microbiology is written exclusively for GNM first year students. This book is in simple language and easy to read and easy to grasped by the students. The language usage is kept as easy as possible for better understanding. GNM Nursing Biosciences is prepared according to the INC syllabus and other major university syllabus. This nursing book will aid the nursing students to learn the topics easily. Topics have been explained according to the syllabus as per the requirement and also structured questions with answers. We have provided 10 years Question bank along with solutions that nursing students can utilize to prepare for examinations. This book is prepared in connecting with the microbiology knowledge with practical aspects of Nursing.
We hope this book will be useful not GNM students and those appearing for various Examinations and will prove very useful for the nurses in pursuance of their course in Microbiology.